Health Devices for Caring Things
The first in a series of webinars aiming to explore the market of Internet of Caring Things!
The UK’s National Innovation Centre for Ageing and CPI are pleased to welcome you to the first in a series of webinars exploring the market of IoCT. This first session is dedicated to connected health devices. Join us to understand and contribute to how we can make these devices more meaningful to everyday life.
About the event
10:00am: Introduction to the Internet of Caring Things
10:15am: What are people’s needs and desires? How do we involve them in co-designing the future?
10:30am: Q&A
10:45am: Networking breakout sessions
11:00am: An overview of connected health devices
11:30am: IoCT in action: case histories from the market
11:50am: Panel session: what have we learned so far? How can experience lead us to design more usable and effective solutions?
12:30pm: Working with VOICE® on Internet of Caring Things
1pm: Close