NICA Membership - Your Healthy Ageing Innovation Cluster

We offer selected organisations the opportunity for strategic input to frame and shape the narrative around ageing and longevity.



Our aim is to generate strategies to transform organisations, delivering a step change and exponential growth in the business around healthy ageing.

NICA provides advice and expertise – we specialise in connecting the dots – including the less obvious. We share our knowledge to look at what’s happening globally in ageing and longevity, seeing the opportunities for clients and working together to benefit the business and consumers.

Our approach to collaboration with long-term structured memberships means we can genuinely interact and work as partners on an ongoing basis, developing thinking together, co-building propositions, together seeing different perspectives and nuances to really help organisations to make a change.

Our Membership Packages provide a bespoke range of services plus access to a preferential 20% membership discount on market rate for all additional NICA services. The following is an example of a typical membership offer. To discuss NICA as an Intelligence Plug-in for your organisation please contact us.


NICA senior team will provide expert consultancy services to help client’s senior team to define objectives. Main strategic goals, times constraints and obligations, markets, target population etc. will be discussed in this activity which will draft the overall activity plan.


Joint Requirement Definition Document

  • Project definition, areas of interest, observation and exploration, geographies and markets, target population
  • KPI’s
  • Main project plan and schedule

Steering committee definition, schedule, roles, references.

At NICA we are aware that while no one owns an entire ecosystem, everyone would enjoy the entire picture.

Our Membership allows clients to have privileged access to our knowledge, expertise, ecosystem and network of organisations, researchers, enterprises and thought-leaders in Ageing and Longevity.


Research landscape document – based on project needs we suggest existing capabilities selected from our research ecosystem

Innovation networking – we actively promote and suggest meaningful collaborations and partnerships between small and large, private and public organizations (on demand)

Innovation advisory – we constantly seek meaningful innovation (start-ups, scale-ups, research streams) in scope with project objectives (on demand)

Access to Longevity As a Service (LAAS) cluster

Professional expert advice from NICA senior team or relevant longevity expert as required via 60 hours consultancy.

Preferential access to data and insights on ageing tailored to the needs of our client. This will be continuously monitored to ensure clients have the latest information on which to base business decisions.


Target populations and stakeholders overview document (updated every 6 months)

Overall business opportunity, personalised behavioural journeys and model advisory document

Permanent observatory of innovative and meaningful people experiences (needs, wants) document (updated by-monthly)

Access to full versions of existing and ongoing Horizoning™ documents

Gold sponsorship of Ageing Intelligence® annual conference: including hosting a reception and advertising space.

Involving our VOICE® community, we engage the target population defined during the JRD phase or following interactions in a series of live (remote or in-person) workshops to harness knowledge, insights, experience and stimulate co-creation.

Based on our experience, we suggest a foundational series of workshops to validate some of the core advisory activities.

People involved per workshop ~10-12

(UK geography only)


Package includes 5 facilitated workshops with outcome documentation, for example to explore:

  • Business model validation
  • Innovative ideas
  • Product co-development
  • Marketing messages
  • Ad-hoc project workshops.

As part of membership, option to build and access a bespoke client VOICE®  community.

Surveys can be customised on demand. In our experience, we suggest utilising the survey capability to assist in shaping a project proposal or to validate outcomes from a workshop.

(UK geography only)


Package includes:

  • 5 bespoke surveys/ 100 respondents/ 10-15 questions
  • 1 bespoke survey 500 respondents/ 10-15 questions

Come to work with us in the Home of Ageing Intelligence®

Please complete the form below or email