Kerry Dodds

Operations Manager


I am delighted to have joined the UK National Innovation Centre for Ageing as Operations Manager.  During my time at Newcastle University I’ve worked between the Medical (FMS) and Humanities, Arts and Social Science (HASS) Faculties gaining a wealth of experience within the varied roles I’ve held.  From dealing with medical electives to assisting colleagues with their research funding applications and managing their respective awarded budgets.  Prior to this I worked at Northern Electric for 12 years, again in various roles which ended in me being an Operations Manager to the Metering section.

I’m thrilled to be part of a diverse team who share a passion to create a world in which we all live better longer, by developing solutions to tackle Longevity via Ageing Intelligence.

Our People

We deal with ageing and longevity. So we deal, first and foremost, with people - their relationship with society, the economy, politics and innovation. Our background is as diverse and holistic as the subject we deal with requires. This is us. Nice to meet you.