Sara Fernandez-Arias

Innovation Consultant


“As a person interested in community involvement and innovation, I am very excited to be part of NICA.  As people’s needs change over time it is necessary to have tools to improve their ageing process. It is exciting to look forward to the challenges and opportunities that working at NICA will bring”.

‘’Sara is an Innovation Consultant for the North of Tyne Combined Authority’s Internet of Caring Things Programme at NICA. She joined the team in August 2023.”

Before joining NICA, Sara completed a bachelor’s in sociology and a double master’s degree in public health and environmental health. She also has experience with qualitative research and working with vulnerable communities including older adults and migrants in Ecuador, the USA, France, and the UK.



Our People

We deal with ageing and longevity. So we deal, first and foremost, with people - their relationship with society, the economy, politics and innovation. Our background is as diverse and holistic as the subject we deal with requires. This is us. Nice to meet you.